
Research & Insights
Brand Positioning
Value Proposition
Brand Architecture


Brand Launch
New Product Launch
Brand Awareness


Marketing Strategy & Planning
Print/OOH Advertising
Brochures & Collateral
Sales Presentations
Direct Mail
Trade Shows & Events


Email Campaigns
Banner Ads
Social Media


Corporate Communications
Crisis/Issues Management
Media Training
Results Tracking and Analysis


Media Events & Product Launches (concept to execution)
Store Opening Events
Red Carpet On-site Talent Management
Cause-related and Charitable Fundraisers
High-profile & Large-scale Event Productions


Before beginning your marketing campaign, it is vital to establish an overarching strategy. With years of experience in branding and marketing, we understand what it takes to drive a successful campaign, and will work closely with you to develop your branding strategy before the rest of the process begins.


The best marketing campaigns are those that potential customers can relate to. Thus, understanding your market is of the utmost importance. The first phase of your advertising strategy is to do market research and learn about your future customers. We leverage our industry connections and our ability to know where and what to look for in order to best prepare your marketing campaign.


Once we have our fingers on your market’s pulse, we bring our experience and talented team to bear in creating the most effective campaign possible. By utilizing a diverse range of marketing tools, we ensure that your campaign will reach not only the widest possible consumer base, but also the most relevant potential customers.

Digital Marketing

In the 21st century, digital marketing is a vital part of any advertising campaign. Gone are the days of Yellow Pages and billboard ads. While these tools might still be used, the majority of your customers in this day and age are tech-savvy and plugged-in, which means that your digital strategy needs to be on point. Thankfully, BrandEQ has a team of cutting-edge digital and online marketing professionals to take your campaign to the next level.

Branding and Corporate Identity

Marketing is more than getting ads in front of customers. While a broad marketing campaign will bring in new business, it is a loyal base of repeat customers and stellar word of mouth publicity that will sustain your business in the long run. Bringing in new clients is only the start—what is really needed is a strong, effective brand and corporate identity. Turning your business into a household name is essential to long-term growth and sustainability.

Brand Activation and Experiential Marketing

Marketing is no longer limited to putting words and pictures in front of potential customers. With our modern understanding of psychology and human behavior, it is now possible to create customized marketing experiences for a wide variety of clients and customers. Through brand activation and experiential marketing, it is possible to make potential customers feel like they are a part of your company’s activities, and to better relate to your corporate ethos. When consumers relate to your brand on a deeper level, they are more likely to convert not only into repeat customers, but also organic ambassadors for the company.

Corporate Events & Promotion

Conventions, festivals, and other corporate events are a great opportunity to place your brand squarely in the public eye. Through the use of booths and exhibits staffed by qualified professionals, we are able to create a physical presence for your brand that features you in the best possible light and get potential customers and partners to relate to you on a personal level.


The media is an ever-changing monster, but by keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and media platforms, we are able to leverage the mainstream media to create and maintain effective public relations for your brand. Whether through the use of press releases, public interest pieces, or other forms of organic marketing, we can place you in the public eye, in a manner that is both effective and relatable.

Social Media/Digital

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn…when it comes to social media, the world is a broad and diverse place. The latest trends in social media are always changing, with different sites and platforms gaining popularity at different times and with different demographics. Our expert social media team knows exactly what platform is trending at any given time, and can support your marketing campaign with a slick, professional Web presence, timely release of tweets, Facebook competitions, and other social media blasts.

Professional Branding & Reputation Management

After your brand is established, it is vital to maintain a healthy, approachable reputation. No matter what happens—whether good or bad—there is a way to spin it to your advantage and shape your public message and reputation in a positive manner. Whether your reputation is in need of rebuilding, or is already healthy and simply needs to be maintained, our dynamic team of marketers can help.

Influencer Marketing

Each industry has its movers and shakers—experts and business people respected and looked-up to by both market regulars and the public in general. By aligning and associating your brand with these influencers, we lend credibility to your company and position you for better exposure, as well as build a reputation for excellence and shape you as a future influencer.